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Instructions for the authors

Submission of outlines

Authors are required to submit an outline by sending a PDF file to the conference’s official email address:

Outline structure

The outline should concisely convey the information about the contribution and the topic, not exceeding 1000 words (including references). Please use the following headings:

  1. Title of the presentation
  2. Research problem: Clearly define the research context and explain the specific research problem addressed (highlighting its importance and relevance for the conference audience).
  3. Current understanding: Summarise prior research in the field, emphasising gaps in the existing literature.
  4. Research question: Specify the submissions’ goal.
  5. Research Design: Describe the research methodology/approach employed in the study.
  6. Findings: Present the main outcomes and research results.
  7. Implications: Discuss the implications of the research for academia, business and policymakers.
  8. References: List 5 to 10 main references.